Total Cereal Raisin Bran 18.25 oz Box
Crunchy whole grain wheat & bran flakes with plump, juicy raisins. With whole grain first ingredient. Box Tops for Education. Per 1 Cup Serving: 160 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% V); 180 mg sodium (7% DV); 17 g sugars; calcium (100% DV); vitamin D (25% DV). 160 calories per serving. 26 g whole grain per serving. 100% Daily Value of 11 Vitamins and Minerals: pantothenic acid; vitamin E; vitamin B12; vitamin B6; riboflavin; calcium; thiamin; folic acid; niacin; zinc; iron. Nutrition Keys icons are provided to help guide food choices. They show calorie and nutrient amounts in a serving and the percent Daily Value, when available. Refer to the Nutrition Facts panel for more information. Wake up to 100%. Solar power. Get the most out of your day by eating a fortified cereal with 100% of 11 essential vitamins and minerals. Livehealthy by eating at least 48 grams of whole grains and 25 g of fiber daily. Did you know? Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Do you know the role each plays in the body? Vitamin B12: helps convert nutrients into energy. Niacin: aids in energy metabolism. Iron: supports brain health. Pantothenic Acid: helps the body use carbohydrates, fat and protein for energy. Riboflavin: one of the energy-releasing B-vitamins. Folic Acid: helps maintain red blood cells. Vitamin B6: helps the body make protein. Zinc: helps in proper healing of wounds. Vitamin E: helps maintain healthy skin and brain function. Thiamin: helps the body use carbohydrates for energy. Calcium: important for building strong bones and teeth. Total gives 100% (100% daily value of 11 vitamins and minerals) so you can be your 100%. This cereal contains 26 g whole grain per serving. At least 48 grams recommended daily. Whole Grain: 26 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. All General Mills Big G cereals contain more whole grain than any other single ingredient. Wow. Hello, cereal lovers. You really can have this much deliciousness and 14 vitamins and minerals for 160 calories per serving. Find out more amazing facts about cereal at Our mission is nourishing lives. We guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of our products, and we are committed to nourishing lives, to protecting our environment and to giving back to our global communities. Exchange calculations based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes 2008 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association. 100% recycled paperboard. Exchange: 1-1/2 Starch, 1 Fruit. Exchange calculations based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes copyright 2008 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association.